- Fees for each month must be paid by the 15th of the month. Fees if due, will be accepted with a late fee of Rs. 30/- for each consecutive month.
- Pupils whose Fees are three months in arrears will have their names struck off the rolls. They may be re-admitted on payment of arrears, a re-admission fee and at the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees.
- No deduction is made for the absence of children during holiday or for broken periods.
- The fee book duly completed must be presented at the time of payment.
- A fine of Rs. 50 will be charged if the fee book is lost.
- One month’s fee in lieu of notice is required before the withdrawal of the pupil.
- Every effort will be made to keep the rate of fees the same throughout the year but the school authorities reserve the right to revise them if the need arises.
- Fees once paid is not refundable.